Press & Publications
- You can download the entire press release here.
- Recently, the seven project partners launched the new Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) demonstration project entitled ‘PULP2VALUE’ in Roosendaal, The Netherlands. Led by agro-industrial cooperative Royal Cosun, this 4-year project aims to demonstrate an integrated and cost-effective cascading biorefinery system to refine sugarbeet pulp and isolate high value products for a great variety of end products including detergents, paints, coatings and composites but also for applications in the personal care, oil and gas industry.
15-11-16: PULP2VALUE – new €11,5 Mio BBI JU grant for demonstration project aims for better use of sugarbeet pulp
Press release(s)
Download of the leaflet
- 16-03_Project leaflet PULP2VALUE (1050 downloads)
- Update: Sugars to lower glycaemia (Wageningen University and Research)
- You can download the poster here.
- Effects of L-arabinose on glycaemic response, satiety and body weight in humans: A literature review (Wageningen University and Research)
- You can download the poster here.
- The effect of replacing sucrose with L-arabinose in dinks and cereal food on blood glucose and plasma insulin in healthy adults (Pol, K.; de Graaf, K.; Diepeveen-deBruin, M.; Balvers, M.; Mars, M.) Publication Date: 13 August 2020
- You can download the publication here.